Forum Linux.debian/ubuntu SNMP+MRTG

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bonsoir a tous je me tourne vers vous après moult vaines tentatives de configurer
j'ai suivi plusieur tuto [pas en meme temps ... ;-) ] dont voici les liens :
et bien sur la doc qui vient avec cfgmaker

mais toujours le meme probleme dont je vous rapporte les messages :

# cfgmaker public@localhost
--base: Get Device Info on public@localhost:
SNMP Error:
Received SNMP response with error code
error status: noSuchName ___________________________ la 1ere qui me turlupine
index 1 (OID:
SNMPv1_Session (remote host: "localhost" [].161)
community: "public"
request ID: -1841298954
PDU bufsize: 8000 bytes
timeout: 2s
retries: 5
backoff: 1)
at /usr/share/perl5/ line 733
--base: Vendor Id:
--base: Populating confcache
--snpo: Skipping ifName scanning because public@localhost: does not seem to support it
--snpo: Skipping ifDescr scanning because public@localhost: does not seem to support it
--snpo: Skipping ifType scanning because public@localhost: does not seem to support it
--snpo: Skipping ipAdEntIfIndex scanning because public@localhost: does not seem to support it
--snpo: Skipping ifPhysAddress scanning because public@localhost: does not seem to support it
--base: Get Interface Info
--base: Walking ifIndex
SNMP Error:
Received SNMP response with error code
error status: noSuchName
index 1 (OID:
SNMPv1_Session (remote host: "localhost" [].161)
community: "public"
request ID: -1841298948
PDU bufsize: 8000 bytes
timeout: 2s
retries: 5
backoff: 1)
at /usr/share/perl5/ line 627
SNMPWALK Problem for on public@localhost::::::v4only
at /usr/bin/cfgmaker line 144 __________________la 2nd (je n'ai pas activé l'ipV6)
--base: Walking ifType

pour les mordus qui voudraient m'aider à progresser (ca fait trois jours non-stop que je cherche ['fin depuis ce week-end]) voici des extraits de :

1) snmpd.conf :

# source community
com2sec local public
com2sec local public
com2sec readwrite private

# Second, map the security names into group names:

# sec.model
group MyROSystem v1 local
group MyROSystem v2c local
group MyROSystem usm local
group MyROGroup v1 local
group MyROGroup v2c local
group MyROGroup usm local
group MyRWGroup v1 readwrite
group MyRWGroup v2c readwrite
group MyRWGroup usm readwrite

# Third, create a view for us to let the groups have rights to:

# incl/excl subtree mask
view all included .1 80
view system included

# Finally, grant the 2 groups access to the 1 view with different
# write permissions:

# context sec.model sec.level match read write notif
access MyROSystem "" any noauth exact system none none
access MyROGroup "" any noauth exact all none none
access MyRWGroup "" any noauth exact all all none

et 2) mrtg.cfg :

# Global configuration
WorkDir: /var/www/mrtg

# 128K leased line
# ----------------
#Title[leased]: an ADSL leased line at
#PageTop[leased]: Link to the outside world
#Target[leased]: 1:public@router.localnet
#MaxBytes[leased]: 16000

donc si quelqu'un y est parvenu et peut me renseigner ou m'indiquer un bon tuto ce serait géant ,
merci d'avance à tous buena sera ;-)

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