Extrait choisi:
Invent We Must
What to make of all this? Microsoft is getting more creative in large part because it has to. For one thing, it has nearly exhausted the inventory of clonable ideas that are big enough to generate material growth.
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# It doesn't really matter
Posté par Anonyme . Évalué à 0.
But Netscape is getting on, and we have to switch to Opera. I am down on microsoft because it has destroyed the very novative company : Netscape.
That's a lot folks, have a nice day!
[^] # Re: It doesn't really matter
Posté par Anonyme . Évalué à 0.
[^] # Re: It doesn't really matter
Posté par Anonyme . Évalué à 0.
[^] # Re: It doesn't really matter
Posté par Anonyme . Évalué à -1.
(c pas grave si vous comprenez pas)
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