Notamment :
* Fin de prise en charge après 115 ESR pour Windows 7 et 8 et macOS 10.12, 10.13 et 10.14
* Hardware video decoding is now enabled for Intel GPUs on Linux.
* On Linux, middle clicks on the new tab button will now open the xclipboard contents in the new tab. If the xclipboard content is a URL then that URL is opened, any other text is opened with your default search provider.
# See what’s new in Firefox!
Posté par antistress (site web personnel) . Évalué à 5.
Notamment :
* Fin de prise en charge après 115 ESR pour Windows 7 et 8 et macOS 10.12, 10.13 et 10.14
* Hardware video decoding is now enabled for Intel GPUs on Linux.
* On Linux, middle clicks on the new tab button will now open the xclipboard contents in the new tab. If the xclipboard content is a URL then that URL is opened, any other text is opened with your default search provider.
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