• # Initiative DD

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    Je pense intéressant de remonter ici l'initiative de "Démocratie Digitale" mentionnée dans l'article :

    Classrooms: A Moodle instance with custom theme and custom plugins
    Cloud drive: A Nextcloud instance with custom theme and custom plugins
    Documents: A document viewer and editor integrated with Nextcloud
    Web pages: A Wordpress instance with custom theme and custom plugins
    Pad: An Etherpad instance integrated with Nextcloud
    Conferences: BigBlueButton integrated with Moodle and Nextcloud (needs a standalone host)
    Forms: A forms Nextcloud plugin

    (source : https://dd.digitalitzacio-democratica.xnet-x.net/docs/ )

    aussi sur le salon xmpp:linuxfr@chat.jabberfr.org?join

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