Journal IPCop v1.3.0 basé sur un noyau 2.4 est sorti

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IPCop v1.3.0 est sorti.
Cette distribution de 25 Mo est dans la mémée série que MNF, Smoothwall, ...
Très attendue puisque :
Noyau 2.4.x , Snort 2.0.0 ...

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IPCop Linux v1.3.0 Changes
- Linux 2.4 kernel and iptables support
- New supported hardware includes:
- ECI ADSL supported modems
- Alcatel Speedtouch 330 modem
- Updated software includes:
- Speedtouch 1.2beta
- Snort 2.0.0
- Super FreeS/Wan 1.99 kb2c
- Improved portforwarding interface:
- Support for port ranges
- Support for PPTP (GRE)

New supported languages include:
- Danish
- Dutch
- Greek
- Norwegian
- Spanish
- Swedish
- Languages selectable from the web interface
- Improved log reporting
- Improved open connections display
- Improved dial-on-demand traffic selection
- Improved traffic graphing (using MRTG)
- Rate limiting to prevent DoS attacks

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