Journal Plainte contre l'adoption d'OOXML

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Un groupe d'utilisateur UNIX Danois porte plainte au niveau européen sur l'adoption d'OOXML par le gouvernement Danois :
L'annonce :
La plainte (pas terrible le formatage) :
Elle est très bien argumenté. Notons qu'elle a été faite en fin 2007 (avant la disponibilité des spécifications (incomplètes) sur les formats binaires de MS-Office).

Le résumé :
Amongst the members of DKUUG are companies and other people that produce office software.

Over these people Microsoft will have an unacceptable competitive advantage,
as the ECMA 376 specification has been written to support the MS Office product, which Microsoft evidently have very good possibilities to implement. And as many things in MS Office and ECMA 376 is undocumented, competitors have severe problems implementing ECMA 376 fully.

Intervention by the Commission by nullifying the Danish regulation can help us by opening up procurement for other products in office software.

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