• # Re: Un ministre thaillandais victime de Microsoft..

    Posté par  . Évalué à 2.

    En fait d'après la source:

    c'est juste un problème d'électronique sur une BMW 520i et non pas sur le système iDrive (WinCE powered) d'une 745i.

    Mais bon, il parait maintenant que BMW va utiliser Linux à la place.

    Reports have speculated that the famously glitchy BMW 745i car, and its Windows CE-powered iDrive car computer, may have been the vehicle in the incident.

    But when contacted by CNETAsia, a spokeswoman from BMW Thailand said the car at fault was a 10-year old BMW 520i that had suffered a simple electronic failure. She declined to reveal if the firm received identical reports from other users in the country.

    According to previous reports, BMW recalled 15,000 iDrive-equipped 7-series cars, one of its most luxurious sedans, globally last May and 286 more in Korea two months after. Linux proponents have said that BMW engineers may be turning to embedded Linux as an alternative operating system.

    The Korea Times said a software problem in the electronic management unit of the car's fuel pump could make the engine stall.

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