snaguber a écrit 4 commentaires

  • [^] # Re: Autre méthode

    Posté par  . En réponse au journal J’ai testé pour vous : se faire usurper son identité. Évalué à -3.

    j'ai envoyé à la boite une fausse plainte

    Juste pour info : là tu viens d'avouer l'usage d'un faux en écriture publique. Au pénal c'est 225 000 euros d'amende et 10 ans de prison.

  • [^] # Re: mmmh

    Posté par  . En réponse au journal Toutes vos base sont appartiens à nous. Évalué à 2.

  • # C'est quand même assez sérieux ...

    Posté par  . En réponse au journal Extraire une clé privée RSA par le son. Évalué à 2.

    pour être cosigné par Adi Shamir (c'est le Monsieur derrière le S de RSA) .

  • # Real men log as root

    Posté par  . En réponse au journal Contre la phobie du root. Évalué à 6.

    je ne peux m'empecher de vous faire partager l'avis de Gary Hood sur le sujet…. Petits morceaux choisis :

    Stop being a sissy. Every time you sudo a command, you deserve to have your man card taken away.

    You heard me. It's time to stop being a little girl. It's time to start using your computer like a man.

    ou encore :

    Rambo, First Blood Part 1. Rambo decides instead of being powerful and running as root, he'll run as the user account john. So he caused a bit of a ruckus in the town, and Colonel Trautman, who is running as root, contacts Rambo over the radio. He tells the lowly user john to come back to base and surrender himself. In this version, Rambo turns himself in, instead of getting to shoot that sherrif a couple times.

    That's probably the worst movie ever. Do you know why Rambo is awesome? Because he ran as root. He told the Colonel that he would be making his own decision that day, and I think we can all agree it was the right one.

    Do you know why Colonel Trautman couldn't save Rambo with the helicopter in First Blood Part 2?
    This is what happens when you run on a user account

    For some reason, he thought it would be a good idea to start running in a user account. Too bad Murdock ran as root. That's why Rambo had to run as root, otherwise the command

    killall commies

    would get him a permission denied error. There was no time to ask Murdock for kill rights and frankly, he wasn't going to grant them.

    plus serieusement, le monsieur a participe au thread qui permet de compiler VLC sans UID check.