Forum Linux.mandriva pb avec beagle

Posté par  (site web personnel) .
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J'arrive pas a faire marcher beagle sur ma mandriva (cooker).
Pourtant je suis les instructions spécifique a ma distrib sur le site de beagle ...

Dommage ça a l'air sympa beagle !

$> beagled --fg --debug
INFO: Starting Beagle Daemon (version 0.0.9)
DEBUG: Command Line: /usr/lib/beagle/BeagleDaemon.exe --debug --fg
DEBUG: Initializing D-BUS
DEBUG: Acquiring com.novell.Beagle D-BUS service
DEBUG: Found index helper at /usr/lib/beagle/beagled-index-helper
DEBUG: Launching helper process!
DEBUG: D-BUS registered obj=Beagle.IndexHelper.RemoteIndexerImpl path=/com/novell/BeagleIndexHelper/Factory owner=(none)
DEBUG: Helper Size: VmRSS=9,7 MB, size=1,00, 0,0%
DEBUG: Connecting to com.novell.BeagleIndexHelper
DEBUG: Initializing RemoteControl
DEBUG: D-BUS registered obj=Beagle.Daemon.RemoteControlImpl path=/com/novell/Beagle/RemoteControl owner=(none)
DEBUG: D-BUS registered obj=Beagle.Daemon.FactoryImpl path=/com/novell/Beagle/Factory owner=(none)
DEBUG: Starting QueryDriver
DEBUG: Starting Inotify Backend
DEBUG: Pre-populated UniqueIdStore cache with 1 items in ,01s
INFO: Loaded 0 records from /home/oktail/.beagle/FileSystemIndex/FileAttributesStore.db in 0,000s
INFO: Loaded 0 records from /home/oktail/.beagle/LauncherIndex/FileAttributesStore.db in 0,000s
DEBUG: Found 12 types in BeagleDaemonLib, Version=, Culture=neutral
DEBUG: Adding root /home/oktail
INFO: Starting Evolution mail backend
DEBUG: D-BUS registered obj=Beagle.Daemon.WebHistoryQueryable.WebHistoryQueryable+WebHistoryIndexerImpl path=/com/novell/Beagle/WebHistoryIndexer owner=(none)
INFO: Starting launcher backend
INFO: Scanning Launchers
INFO: Starting Evolution mail backendioctl: Bad address

Unhandled Exception: System.IO.IOException: Attempt to watch /usr/share/applications failed!
in <0x00133> Beagle.Util.Inotify:Watch (System.String path, EventType mask, EventType initial_filter)
in <0x0000f> Beagle.Util.Inotify:Watch (System.String path, EventType mask)
in <0x00167> Beagle.Daemon.LauncherQueryable.LauncherQueryable:Watch (System.String path)
in <0x00158> Beagle.Daemon.LauncherQueryable.LauncherQueryable:Start ()
in <0x00016> Beagle.Daemon.Queryable:Start ()
in <0x000af> Beagle.Daemon.QueryDriver:Start ()
in <0x00efc> Beagle.Daemon.BeagleDaemon:Main (System.String[] args)
DEBUG: Helper Size: VmRSS=9,8 MB, size=1,01, 0,3%
DEBUG: Shutting down on failed TestService in BeagleDaemonWatcherTimeoutHandler
DEBUG: RemoteIndexerImpl.QueueCloseForAll called
INFO: Exiting

Quelqu'un a une idée ?
Merci !
  • # ben

    Posté par  (site web personnel) . Évalué à 2.

    Visiblement il arrive pas à lire le contenu du dossier /usr/share/applications

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