iskream a écrit 1 commentaire

  • [^] # Re: Waste, réseau p2p privé / crypté

    Posté par  . En réponse à la dépêche Waste, réseau p2p privé / chiffré. Évalué à 8.

    En tout cas, ceci semble avoir tout particulièrement énervé Justin Frankel...
    Sur son site ( ), il écrit :

    June 2 2003 @ 10:03pm
    For me, coding is a form of self-expression.

    It's probably the form I'm most effective at.

    Everything I code is arguably owned by the company.

    The company controls what I do with my code [in the past, it seemed I had
    freedom, but it turns out all of that was not really the case--rather, I
    was somehow avoiding the control illicitly (for 4 years)]

    The company controls the most effective means of self-expression I have.

    This is unacceptable to me as an individual, therefore I must leav.

    I don't know when it will be, but I'm not going to last much longer.

    I have nothing but respect for the company--I've just come to realize that
    it is time to do something different.