Journal Slackware, une distribution conviviale :)

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Slackware ca a beau être un peu compliqué, ca n'en reste pas moins convivial :)

Sympa le petit courriel de Patrick à l'installation, non?

"Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2003 11:09:55 -0800 (PST)
From: "Patrick J. Volkerding" <>
To: root
Subject: Welcome to Linux (Slackware 9.1)!

Welcome! Glad to see you've made it this far! :^)

Here are a few hints to help you navigate through the Linux operating
system a little bit better:

Remember those screens you saw while each package was installing? You
can see all the information (and more) again. The simplest way is to use
the 'pkgtool' utility to view the package contents. Another way is to use
'less' or a text editor to read the files in /var/log/packages and
/var/log/scripts (this is the method I use).


Have fun!

Patrick Volkerding"

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