Vous avez sans doute entendu parler du Foleo, un PC fait par Palm, qui devait sortir sous peu.
Rappel de ce que devait être le Foleo
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As many of you are aware, we are in the process of building our next generation software platform. We are very excited about how this is coming together. It has a modern, flexible UI, instant performance, and an incredibly simple and elegant development environment. We are working hard on this platform and on the first smartphones that will take advantage of it.
In the course of the past several months, it has become clear that the right path for Palm is to offer a single, consistent user experience around this new platform design and a single focus for our platform development efforts. To that end, and after careful deliberation, I have decided to cancel the Foleo mobile companion product in its current configuration and focus all our energies on delivering our next generation platform and the first smartphones that will bring this platform to market. We will, of course, continue to deliver products in partnership with Microsoft on the Windows Mobile platform, but from our internal platform development perspective, we will focus on only one.
Because we were nearly at the point of shipping Foleo, this was a very tough decision. Yet I am convinced this is the right thing to do. Foleo is based on a second platform and a separate development environment, and we need to focus our efforts on one platform. Our own evaluation and early market feedback were telling us that we still have a number of improvements to make Foleo a world-class product, and we can not afford to make those improvements on a platform that is not central to our core focus. That would not be right for our customers or for our developer community.
Jeff Hawkins and I still believe that the market category defined by Foleo has enormous potential. When we do Foleo II it will be based on our new platform, and we think it will deliver on the promise of this new category. We’re not going to speculate now on timing for a next Foleo, we just know we need to get our core platform and smartphones done first.
I would like to thank our customers for their interest in Foleo. I know there will be disappointed folks who were looking forward to carrying a Foleo for all their mobile computing needs. I am certainly one of them. I would also like to thank the developers who have supported our Foleo efforts. They have been loyal to Palm and have worked hard to deliver some compelling solutions on the Foleo platform. I know that they will understand that the right thing to do for the long run is to focus on one platform that will live for years, rather than invest energy in a one-off solution. We will make every effort to make sure we bring our developers forward to our next generation platform.
This decision will require us to take a limited charge of less than $10 million dollars to our earnings. This is a lot of money, but it is a small price relative to the costs that would be required to support two platforms going forward. This decision is in the best interest of our customers, our team, our products and our shareholders. I hope this renewed focus at Palm will allow us to deliver more compelling solutions to our core smartphone market, and it will allow us to position ourselves for the long run around one Palm experience.
Ed Colligan
President & CEO
Palm, Inc.
Journal Le Foleo de Palm est annulé
# Free Foli^Deo !
Posté par vincent LECOQ (site web personnel) . Évalué à 1.
D'un autre coté, est il comparable au prochain neo1973 avec openmoko ?
[^] # Re: Free Foli^Deo !
Posté par GnunuX (site web personnel) . Évalué à 2.
J'ai du mal a voir le lien entre le neo1973 et le foleo ...
[^] # Re: Free Foli^Deo !
Posté par netchaiev . Évalué à 2.
mais c'est vrai qu'ils ne jouent pas dans la même catégorie ...
# Des photos
Posté par lezardbreton . Évalué à 4.
Vraiment très con cette décision de stopper un tout nouveau produit/concept alors qu'on est proche de la livraison. Soit on la prend très tôt, soit on ne la prend jamais.
# Blogs
Posté par Boke Bocadillo (site web personnel) . Évalué à 5.
Je pense que confrontés à une si mauvaise pub, palm a préféré retirer un produit supposément voué à l'échec...
Les joies du marketting... Le pouvoir des blogs...
[^] # Re: Blogs
Posté par lezardbreton . Évalué à 3.
[^] # Re: Blogs
Posté par Boke Bocadillo (site web personnel) . Évalué à 1.
Pour ceux qui ne souhaitent pas lire, ca dit, entre autres, "Palm vient d'annuler le Foleo, exactement comme nous leur avions demandé."
[^] # Re: Blogs
Posté par yellowiscool . Évalué à 7.
Envoyé depuis mon lapin.
[^] # Re: Blogs
Posté par Wawet76 . Évalué à 6.
J'attends maintenant la sortie de l'Asus EEE (même type de machine, moins jolie mais aussi bien moins chère) pour voir si le prix et ce qu'ils vont finalement mettre dedans est intéressant.
[^] # Re: Blogs
Posté par B16F4RV4RD1N . Évalué à 2.
J'attends beaucoup du eee, j'espère que je ne serais pas déçu.
Toutes les nouvelles à ce sujet ici : http://www.blogeee.net
Only wimps use tape backup: real men just upload their important stuff on megaupload, and let the rest of the world ~~mirror~~ link to it
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